Week 4 Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B


"The Expulsion" Source

Adam and Eve: Leaving the Garden

    From what I gathered, this story is how God decided where to lay, Adam, when he made him. He did not want him next to the water because he could wash his sins away and forget what God was teaching them. He did not want them next to the food because they would indulge and forget their roots. So God put him on the Western side of the garden where he would not be tempted. Then Adam and Eve began exploring and came upon a land they had never seen before and became scared. 

Entering the Cave of Treasures

    Then Adam and Eve began to leave the garden to head to the cave of treasures but they were met with a great deal of guilt, however, each time God met them with mercy. it was quite obvious that God wanted to keep them safe and they were curious. I have never heard of this story until now. I love reading new stories and enjoy seeing different perspectives. 

Bibliography: Adam and Eve: Leaving the Garden, Entering the Cave of Treasures by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr (1926)


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