Week 3 Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part B

The Rousing of Achilles:

    King Menelaus killed a man but could not strip off his arms because Hector stood over the body to stop him. Glaucus stopped Hector from sending the armor of Patroclus to the city and put Achilles' armor on himself. 

    Antilochus went to Achilles and told him that Patroclus was dead and Achilles was saddened. His mother heard his cries and asked him what was wrong. He told her that Patroclus was wearing his arms and that he is now dead and that he loved him the most. She replied that she would go to Hephaestus and make his new arms. 

The Slaying of Hector:

    Everybody rushed into the gates for safety while Hector was the only one outside. Achilles and Hector would battle a great battle. Hector called for Deiphobus to help him against Achilles and he agreed. Achilles threw his first spear and it missed its mark. Hector laughed at him but did not see that Athene gave the spear back to Achilles to throw once more. Hector looked to see if Deiphobus was still there but he went back inside the walls. Achilles' next spear did not miss and hit his shield. They battled with swords and Achilles won. 

"Hector vs Achilles" Source

Bibliography: "Homer's Iliad" by Alfred J. Church


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