Week 4 Lab


"Persephone" Source

Crash Course Myth Videos:

    I watched the 3 videos by from the great youtube channel, Crash Course, for my story lab. I jumped on the opportunity to watch these videos when I saw they were an option for this week's lab as I have enjoyed the Crash Course videos for a while. Crash Course does an incredible job of teaching in a way that keeps the viewer's attention. The videos are aesthetically pleasing and use creativity and knowledge to teach the main topics. As for the content covered in the videos, I hadn't realized just how many different subjects go into mythology. It is a mixture of at least 7 different ones including history, literature, anthropology, sociology, psychology, religion, and science. They described mythology as being like a Slurpee that you would get from 7-11 if you were to mix all the flavors together. They touched on how the line between myth and religion is oftentimes controversial. I thought it was interesting how the different mythology stories are categorized, there can be creation stories that explain how things came to be like how the story of Persephone explains why we have summer and there are hero stories that follow figures as they battle great beasts. 

    They brought up how mythology basically means "the scientific study of myths" because -ology almost always means "the study of." I learned that it is hard to determine where stories actually originated. These stories are passed through generations and they end up being altered in different ways and translated through new languages. So, although some stories might say they have an author, like Homer, for example, the story could not be theirs and they were just the ones who passed the story along. 


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